Eye-catching labels stigmatize many healthy foods

When customers walk down aisles of grocery stores, they are inundated with labels such as organic, fair-trade and cage free, just to name a few. Labels such as these may be eye-catching but are often free of any scientific ...

Race and gender may not affect employer interest in resumes

In 2004, research found that resumes submitted by people with distinctly sounding African-American names were less likely to get callbacks regarding the job. Now, new research from the University of Missouri finds no evidence ...

Working women have more influence at home, study says

(Phys.org) —When women who are married work, they wield more decision-making power over large household expenses—like buying a car, large appliance or furniture—according to a University of Colorado Boulder study.

How to manage motorway tolls through the Game Theory

A team led by José Manuel Zarzuelo, Professor of Applied Economics, has applied the co-operative Game Theory to calculating motorway toll charges. The results of the study have been published in the specialised journal European ...

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