Secrets of the first practical artificial leaf

A detailed description of development of the first practical artificial leaf — a milestone in the drive for sustainable energy that mimics the process, photosynthesis, that green plants use to convert water and sunlight ...

Artificial leaf could debut new era of 'fast-food energy'

Technology for making an "artificial leaf" holds the potential for opening an era of "fast-food energy," in which people generate their own electricity at home with low-cost equipment perfect for the 3 billion people living ...

'Artificial leaf' makes fuel from sunlight (w/ video)

Researchers led by MIT professor Daniel Nocera have produced something they’re calling an “artificial leaf”: Like living leaves, the device can turn the energy of sunlight directly into a chemical fuel that ...

'Artificial leaf' moves closer to reality

An important step toward realizing the dream of an inexpensive and simple "artificial leaf," a device to harness solar energy by splitting water molecules, has been accomplished by two separate teams of researchers at MIT. ...

Debut of the first practical 'artificial leaf'

Scientists today claimed one of the milestones in the drive for sustainable energy — development of the first practical artificial leaf. Speaking here at the 241st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, they ...

Blueprint for 'artificial leaf' mimics Mother Nature

Scientists today presented a design strategy to produce the long-sought artificial leaf, which could harness Mother Nature's ability to produce energy from sunlight and water in the process called photosynthesis. The new ...

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