Solving the structure of ATP synthase

A team of scientists headed by Rosalind Franklin University Professor David M. Mueller, PhD, has solved the structure of mitochondrial ATP synthase, an enzyme that makes ATP, adenosine triphosphate, the major energy source ...

Titan supercomputer analyzes bacterial photosynthetic system

Despite the grand diversity among living organisms, the molecule used to store and transmit energy within aerobic, or oxygen-using, cells is remarkably the same. From bacteria to fungi, plants, and animals, adenosine triphosphate ...

Moonlighting enzyme works double shift 24/7

A team of researchers led by Michigan State University has discovered an overachieving plant enzyme that works both the day and night shifts.

New propulsion system for micro-objects

A new propulsion method for metallic micro- and nano-objects has been developed by French researchers from the Institute of Molecular Sciences. The process is based on the novel concept of bipolar electrochemistry: under ...

Researchers discover new mechanism behind cellular energy conversion

Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have enhanced our understanding of the mechanism by which cells achieve energy conversion, the process in which food is converted into the energy required by cells. This groundbreaking ...

Cells use water in nano-rotors to power energy conversion

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt, and Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York have provided the first atomic-level glimpse of the proton-driven motor from a major group of ATP synthases, ...

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