Biosocial crime prevention

Modern crime prevention would benefit from a greater biosocial approach to delinquency and offending that is rooted in family, school and community intervention strategies, according to a research team led by University of ...

Poor behavior doesn't always lead to poor academics

Despite popular belief, a new study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions (published by SAGE) finds that students who have poor behavior in the classroom do not always have poor grades.

Lessons from the principal's office

The majority of students (about 80%) are never sent out of class to the principal's office or it happens only once in a year and why children are referred changes as they age, according to an article in the April 2010 issue ...

Scientific Understanding of Corruption Sought

( -- Corruption is one of the most cited factors inhibiting economic development. It impedes political and economic growth, reduces the welfare of societies, increases income inequality and reduces trust in political ...

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