Seeing pesticides spread through insect bodies

Pesticides have been linked with declining honey bee numbers, raising questions about how we might replace the many essential uses of these chemicals in agriculture and for control of insect-borne diseases. As many governments ...

High tunnels boost yield, along with plant-damaging insects

Growers of tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables can extend their growing season and increase yield by placing high tunnels over their cold-sensitive crops, but those tunnels don't provide the pest protection that has ...

Asian hornet to colonize UK within two decades without action

The yellow legged or Asian hornet - a voracious predator of honey bees and other beneficial insects - could rapidly colonise the UK unless its spread is combatted, according to new research by the Universities of Warwick ...

Ornamental plants for conserving bees, beneficial insects

Insects play a vital role in ecosystem health, helping to aerate soil, keeping the natural system in balance, and preventing detrimental pests from taking over essential natural resources. Additionally, insects provide critical ...

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