Could life exist deep underground on Mars?

Recent science missions and results are bringing the search for life closer to home, and scientists at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) and the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) may have figured ...

Biosphere 2 rainforest closed during drought experiment

Drought will soon descend on the University of Arizona's Biosphere 2 rain forest, and an international research team will be ready with an array of instruments to record what unfurls under the glass.

New study demonstrates benefits of undervalued saltmarsh

A new tool which helps land managers assess the costs and benefits of re-introducing valuable saltmarsh, has been developed by economists and environmental scientists from the South West Partnership for Environmental and ...

Biosphere 2 legacy lives on more than quarter century later

They lived for two years and 20 minutes under the glass of a miniature Earth, complete with an ocean, rain forest, desert, grasslands and mangroves. Their air and water were recycled, and they grew the sweet potatoes, rice ...

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