Making lab-grown brain organoids 'brainier'

By using stem cells to grow miniature brain-like organs in the lab, scientists have opened a new avenue for studies of neurological development, disease and therapies that can't be conducted in living people. But not all ...

How to find marker genes in cell clusters

Which genes are specific for a certain cell type, i.e., "mark" their identity? With the increasing size of datasets nowadays, answering this question is often challenging. Often, marker genes are simply genes that have been ...

New data analysis tool uncovers important COVID-19 clues

A new data analysis tool developed by Yale researchers has revealed the specific immune cell types associated with increased risk of death from COVID-19, they report Feb. 28 in the journal Nature Biotechnology.

How a COVID-19 infection changes blood cells in the long run

Using real-time deformability cytometry, researchers at the Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin in Erlangen were able to show for the first time: COVID-19 significantly changes the size and stiffness of red and white ...

Probing the secret forces of pericytes

Leiden researchers found a way to measure the tiny forces exerted by pericytes, one of the most elusive, hard to research cell types, which occur in tiny blood vessels. Building on this fundamental science, researchers may ...

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