Related topics: brain · neurons

How fish schools work in a similar manner to the brain

What do the brain and a school of fish have in common? They are both capable of efficient collective information processing, although each unit within them only has access to local information.

New cuttlefish brain map reveals secrets of camouflage

New mapping of the cuttlefish brain could explain how and why the marine animal employs its distinct camouflage ability according to researchers from The University of Queensland (UQ).

A tool to detect higher-order phenomena in real-world data

EPFL researchers have developed a novel approach to network analysis that allows them to reveal and interpret, for the first time, interactions among multiple variables in data from neuroscience, economics, and epidemiology.

Bird neurons use three times less glucose than mammalian neurons

Birds have impressive cognitive abilities and show a high level of intelligence. Compared to mammals of about the same size, the brains of birds also contain many more neurons. Now a new study reported in Current Biology ...

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