Using Hawkeye from the Avengers to communicate on the eye

Pop culture figures like Iron Man, Captain America and Hawkeye can provide a unique and engaging platform for the communication of difficult scientific concepts. In the classroom, these characters can be used to communicate ...

'Star Trek' actor Shatner sends message to Voyager

NASA announced the winner Tuesday of a contest to send a message to the Voyager spacecraft which launched 40 years ago on a historic mission to explore the outer planets.

How Hollywood is giving its biggest stars digital facelifts

Johnny Depp is 53 years old but he doesn't look a day over 26 in the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movieā€”at least for a few moments. There was no plastic surgeon involved, heavy makeup or archival footage used to take ...

New Disney toys combine high-tech gadgets, old-school play

Disney is launching a line of toys that combines high-tech wearable gadgets and old-school superhero role-playing to keep kids moving while engrossing them in sub-plots from "The Avengers," ''Star Wars" and "Frozen."

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