Good cop, bad cop?

When police officer Jason Van Dyke shot Laquan McDonald in 2014, he already had more than 20 civilian allegations lodged against him for police misconduct, dating back to 2000.

Threat from on high: race on to bolster drone defences

From hand-held copters that zoom around the living room to high-speed craft offering the sensation of flying over the countryside, drones have won over legions of fans—and are proving a growing challenge for security authorities.

Why the face of Western war gives us a false idea of conflict

The US-led global coalition fighting Islamic State has, with success, robbed the terrorist movement of its territorial safe havens. But when it comes to facing war's brutal nature, the West fumbles the football. It habitually ...

Expert discusses drones, warfare and the media

Drones have become a common part of warfare—but their use remains a subject of public contention. Lisa Parks, a professor in MIT's program in Comparative Media Studies/Writing and director of its Global Media Technologies ...

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