US to defend fossil fuels at UN climate meeting

The White House will host an event defending fossil fuel use Monday at UN climate talks in Germany, in a move blasted by green energy campaigners and conference president Fiji.

Scientists say cost of capturing CO2 declining

Technology now in limited use removes about 90 percent of carbon dioxide from the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants, but energy experts say cost remains the chief obstacle to bringing the "clean coal" touted by President ...

Surge in coal pollution led to smaller newborns: study

In fresh evidence about the dangers of coal pollution, a scientist on Monday said a switch to coal-fired power in a southern US state after a nuclear accident in 1979 led to a sharp fall in birthweight, a benchmark of health.

Claims coal-fired plant polluted river: Utility on trial

Environmental groups said in court Monday that the Tennessee Valley Authority is essentially storing toxic ash from an aging Tennessee coal-fired power plant in a colander, letting pollutants seep into a major river in violation ...

China, US seek 'clean coal' agreement as industry struggles

U.S. and China officials took a major step Tuesday toward an agreement to advance "clean coal" technologies that purport to reduce the fuel's contribution to climate change—and could offer a potential lifeline for an industry ...

US to limit emissions at new power plants

The US Environmental Protection Agency proposed Friday to limit carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants in a bid to implement President Barack Obama's plan to fight climate change.

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