Can we cure the frog pandemic?

Frogs play an important part in ecosystems, but they're also fighting to survive an ongoing pandemic. Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) has ravaged amphibian species for decades.

Confirmed new fungus has mysterious origins

CABI has confirmed a new species of fungus after the BBC Springwatch show called on Dr. Harry Evans' expertise when the mysterious specimen was first discovered in a Victorian gunpowder store at Castle Espie wetland center ...

Newly discovered protein in fungus bypasses plant defenses

A protein that allows the fungus which causes white mold stem rot in more than 600 plant species to overcome plant defenses has been identified by a team of U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service and ...

Examining the frogs of Baja California

There's a pandemic sweeping across the globe. No, not COVID, a different one. For decades, a brutal fungal infection has been decimating amphibians worldwide.

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