Related topics: black holes

NASA's HS3 mission spotlight: The HIRAD instrument

The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer, known as HIRAD, will fly aboard one of two unmanned Global Hawk aircraft during NASA's Hurricane Severe Storm Sentinel or HS3 mission from Wallops beginning August 26 through September 29.

Hurricane Imaging Radiometer prepared for deployment

The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer, known as HIRAD, will fly aboard one of two unmanned Global Hawk aircraft during NASA's Hurricane Severe Storm Sentinel or HS3 mission from Wallops beginning August 26 through September 29.

Plugging the hole in Hawking's black hole theory

( —Recently physicists have been poking holes again in Stephen Hawking's black hole theory – including Hawking himself. For decades physicists across the globe have been trying to figure out the mysteries of ...

Light particles illuminate the vacuum

Researchers from the Finnish Aalto University and the Technical Research Centre of Finland succeeded in showing experimentally that vacuum has properties not previously observed. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, ...

HIRAD set to fly on Global Hawk mission

(—NASA has begun its latest airborne hurricane study called the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) mission. For the first time, NASA will be flying two unmanned Global Hawks, unmanned aerial vehicles, from ...

Research sheds new light on black holes

( -- The quantum phenomenon which is thought to cause black holes to leak energy and ultimately explode is more common than first thought according to Victoria University researchers.

Physicists create sonic black hole in the lab

( -- Black holes get their name because they absorb all incoming light, and are so dense that none of that light can escape their event horizon. In a new study, scientists have created a sonic analogue of a black ...

Simulating black hole radiation with lasers

Hawking radiation from black holes is very dim, and unlikely to be detected any time soon. Now researchers have created a laboratory experiment that produces detectable Hawking radiation with a laser.

Imitation black hole seen on earth

Astrophysics deals mostly with things that are so distant -- thousands or billions of light years away -- that we can't ever hope to see them up close. But clever scientists can do the next best thing to making a light-year ...

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