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Studying diseases with better delivery of gene-editing tools

Stem cells can be used to study the effects of disease on numerous tissue types due to their pluripotency, or ability to produce cells of any type. But using gene-editing tools with them can be challenging, according to Xiaojun ...

Landing therapeutic genes safely in the human genome

Many future gene and cell therapies to treat diseases like cancer, rare genetic and other conditions could be enhanced in their efficacy, persistence, and predictability by so-called "genomic safe harbors (GSHs)." These are ...

How cells remember inflammation

When a tissue experiences inflammation, its cells remember. Pinning proteins to its genetic material at the height of inflammation, the cells bookmark where they left off in their last tussle. Next exposure, inflammatory ...

Understanding the skin's defense system

It can be easy to forget that the human skin is an organ. It's also the largest one and it's exposed, charged with keeping our inner biology safe from the perils of the outside world.

Scientists create model of an early human embryo from skin cells

In a discovery that will revolutionize research into the causes of early miscarriage, infertility and the study of early human development—an international team of scientists led by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia ...

Study finds clues to aging in 'junk' DNA

For decades, greater than 60% of the human genome was believed to be "junk DNA" that served little or no purpose in the course of human development. Recent research by Colorado State University is challenging this notion ...

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