How hunting robber flies snatch victims from the air

Robber flies snatch victims from the air using the same interception strategy as guided missiles and falcons, but how do they intercept airborne quarry when their view is obstructed by foliage and clutter? Researchers from ...

Brazil demands clarifications on NSA surveillance

Brazil demanded answers Tuesday from the U.S. about National Security Agency spying in the country and warned that trust between the two nations would be damaged if U.S. explanations about the program were not satisfactory.

Steganography is no laughing matter

It is possible to hide secret messages in simple jokes, according to US research published in the latest issue of the International Journal of Security and Networks.

WhatsApp messaging breached privacy laws

WhatsApp's mobile messaging service used by hundreds of millions of customers worldwide breached privacy laws in at least two countries, a joint Canadian-Dutch probe concluded Monday.

Philippine leader signs law to combat cybercrimes

Philippine President Benigno Aquino has signed into law a bill to combat cybercrime, his spokeswoman said Saturday, in a bid to stamp down on everything from forgery to child pornography.

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