Symptoms of illness help pathogens spread among songbirds

It's "Treasure Island" author Robert Louis Stevenson who is credited with coining the phrase "You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs." For us humans, it's now cliché. For pathogens, these are words to live by. Or, ...

You're never too busy for self-gifting, study finds

People who are feeling tense due to demands at work or home tend not to reward themselves with gifts, new research finds—even though a new product or visit to the spa might be exactly what they need.

Chew on this: Personalized health care for mountain gorillas

A mountain gorilla walks in the forest of East Africa's Virunga Volcanoes conservation area. It stops at a piece of wild celery, sits down, and begins to chew. It strips the vegetable's fibrous threads through its teeth, ...

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