Examining SIRT6 regulation as a key component of aging

Anti-aging creams, shakes, exercises, you name it, you can read about it online. However, what does science have to say about aging? Ben-Gurion University of the Negev life sciences researcher Dr. Debra Toiber has uncovered ...

Overactive cell metabolism linked to biological aging

Why do cells, and by extension humans, age? The answer may have a lot to do with mitochondria, the organelles that supply cells with energy. Though that idea is not new, direct evidence in human cells had been lacking. Until ...

New insights into mitochondrial nucleoid dynamics

Mitochondria are important cellular structures that are vital for their role in generating energy. Mitochondria are dynamic, meaning they constantly fuse together and split apart. They contain a small amount of genetic information ...

First mouse model with mitochondrial tRNALeu mutation developed

Studying the role of mitochondria—the specialized structures within cells responsible for energy production—in metabolic diseases has been difficult because of a lack of animal models with the necessary mitochondrial ...

Research team first to develop 3D structure of twinkle protein

Researchers from the National Institutes of Health have developed a three-dimensional structure that allows them to see how and where disease mutations on the twinkle protein can lead to mitochondrial diseases. The protein ...

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