Researchers solve a 60-year-old puzzle about a superhard material

Skoltech researchers, together with their industrial colleagues and academic partners, have cracked a 1960s puzzle about the crystal structure of a superhard tungsten boride that can be extremely useful in industrial applications, ...

It takes a neutron beam to find a proton

Understanding the behavior of proteins and enzymes is key to unlocking the secrets of biological processes. The atomic structures of proteins are generally investigated using X-ray crystallography; however, the precise information ...

Not everything is ferromagnetic in high magnetic fields

High magnetic fields have a potential to modify the microscopic arrangement of magnetic moments because they overcome interactions existing in a zero field. Usually, high fields exceeding a certain critical value force the ...

Paving the way for more efficient hydrogen cars

Hydrogen-powered vehicles emit only water vapor from their tailpipes, offering a cleaner alternative to fossil-fuel-based transportation. But for hydrogen cars to become mainstream, scientists need to develop more efficient ...

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