China sub makes first dive to below 5,000m

A Chinese submersible conducted the country's deepest manned dive Tuesday in the latest technological milestone for China, which theoretically puts most of the ocean floor's vast resources within its reach.

Study Calculates Volume and Depth of the World's Oceans

( -- How high is the sky? Scientists have a pretty good handle on that one, what with their knowledge of the troposphere, stratosphere an the other "o-spheres." Now, thanks to new work headed by the Woods Hole ...

The Abyss: Deepest Part of the Oceans No Longer Hidden

( -- The Abyss is a dark, deep place, but it's no longer hidden. At least when Nereus is on the scene. Nereus is a new type of deep-sea robotic vehicle, called a hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV).

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