Research discovers a pearl of hope for imperiled oyster reefs

University of Virginia researchers, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, are sharing the good news that the future of oyster reefs, which have experienced greater than 85% loss worldwide over the past two centuries, ...

Leaf oysters: The unsung heroes of estuaries are disappearing

Camouflaged by a layer of silty mud, most people probably wouldn't notice the large flat oysters lurking beneath shallow water in Australia's coastal estuaries. These are remarkable "leaf oysters," and they can form reefs, ...

Coastal ecosystems 'bright spots'

CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, has identified coastal 'bright spots' to repair marine ecosystems globally, paving the way to boost biodiversity, local economies and human wellbeing.

Ancient oyster shells provide historical insights

An interdisciplinary team of scientists studying thousands of oyster shells along the Georgia coast, some as old as 4,500 years, has published new insights into how Native Americans sustained oyster harvests for thousands ...

Louisiana hopes to fight coast erosion by mimicking nature

Back when the Mississippi River flowed wild, its ever-shifting waters acted as a continent-sized earth mover, picking up sand and dirt from the North, depositing it in the Delta region and eventually creating the land that ...

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