Is there more to palm oil than deforestation?

Palm oil is the world's most produced and consumed vegetable oil and everyone knows that its production can damage the environment. But do consumers have the full picture? In fact, replacing palm oil with rapeseed oil would ...

Palm oil: Less fertilizer and no herbicide but same yield?

Environmentally friendlier palm oil production could be achieved with less fertilizer and no herbicide, while maintaining profits. These are the encouraging preliminary results of the first two years of a large-scale oil ...

Report finds palm oil companies' commitments lacking

Zero-deforestation commitments within the palm oil industry risk being undermined by a lack of monitoring within production landscapes—meaning the deforestation of tropical forests home to Critically Endangered wildlife ...

Palm oil in the amazon—threat or opportunity?

Small migratory farming is responsible for 70 percent of the annual deforestation in Peru. Can palm oil address this problem and lead the change towards sustainable development in the Peruvian Amazon?

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