NASA image: Smoke from western fires wafts eastward

On August 21, 2015 the Aqua satellite captured this image of the smoke from the fires on the west coast of the United States wafting eastward on the jet stream. In this image the smoke is obscuring parts of Montana, North ...

Distant black hole wave twists like giant whip

Fast-moving magnetic waves emanating from a distant supermassive black hole undulate like a whip whose handle is being shaken by a giant hand, according to a new study using data from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's ...

Physicists create tabletop antimatter 'gun'

( —An international team of physicists working at the University of Michigan has succeeded in building a tabletop antimatter "gun" capable of spewing short bursts of positrons. In their paper published in the journal ...

Saturn's little wavemaking moon

Captured on January 15, this narrow-angle Cassini image shows an outer portion of Saturn's A ring on the left and the ropy F ring crossing on the right. The thin black line near the A ring's bright edge is the Keeler Gap, ...

NASA is tracking electron beams from the Sun

( -- In the quest to understand how the world's weather moves around the globe, scientists have had to tease apart different kinds of atmospheric movement, such as the great jet streams that can move across a whole ...

Jets at CMS and the determination of their energy scale

Jets are the experimental signatures of quarks and gluons produced in high-energy processes such as head-on proton-proton collisions. As quarks and gluons have a net colour charge and cannot exist freely due to colour-confinement, ...

Is it snowing microbes on Enceladus?

There's a tiny moon orbiting beyond Saturn's rings that's full of promise, and maybe -- just maybe -- microbes.

Launch of NASA's nuSTAR mission postponed

( -- The planned launch of NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission has been postponed after a March 15 launch status meeting. The launch will be rescheduled to allow additional time to confirm ...

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