Should the SEC ditch quarterly reporting?

In the minds of some, the manifold ills of corporate capitalism have a single source: short-termism. Because investors increasingly ignore long-term value in favor of quarterly returns, corporate managers are thought to have ...

Economic performance of wine production in the EU

A study of economic indicators in the wine industry across the European Union has shown significant variation between member states. Many of these are influenced by factors such as vineyard size and specialization.

Can being too enthusiastic about work have its downsides?

How much do you love your job? Some employees show up every day, profoundly passionate about their company's mission. Others are extrinsically motivated and work primarily because they need to financially support their family ...

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A performance, in performing arts, generally comprises an event in which one group of people (the performer or performers) behave in a particular way for another group of people (the audience). Sometimes the dividing line between performer and the audience may become blurred, as in the example of "participatory theatre" where audience members might get involved in the production. Singing choral music, and performing in a ballet are examples. Usually the performers participate in rehearsals beforehand. Afterwards audience members often clap, indicating appreciation. However, sometimes this rule is reversed. In Japan, the greatest compliment is complete silence.[citation needed]

Performances, for example in theatre, can take place daily, or at some other regular interval. Performances can take place at someone's house, in a subway, or even at a dollar store. Talent, on the other hand, is subjective.

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