Jump in renewable energy jobs worldwide: agency

The renewable energy sector employed 9.8 million people worldwide in 2016, a sharp increase from 2012, the Abu Dhabi-based International Renewable Energy Agency said on Wednesday.

The flexible grid involves its users

The GreenCom project, funded in part by the European Commission and led on the technical side by Fraunhofer FIT, ended after 42 months, judged a resounding success. The project's main result is a Smart Energy Monitoring and ...

How atmostpheric dust affects photovoltaic output

A hazy sky and dirty cars are well-known consequences of Saharan dust carried to Europe by air currents. As part of the "PerduS" project, the German Weather Service (DWD), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and meteocontrol ...

Determining the solar energy potentials of private homes

Recently, Google started the Sunroof project, a service that calculates potential energy savings of home owners due to solar facilities on their roofs. However, this project covers a few cities in the USA only. Scientists ...

Could solar eclipses disrupt electricity in Germany?

Could a solar eclipse over Europe during the day affect the power generated by Germany's photovoltaic systems or solar panels, thereby challenging the reliability of the electrical supply across the country?

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