Molecular simulations show how drugs block key receptors

Many pharmaceuticals work by targeting what are known as 'G-protein-coupled receptors.' In a new study, scientists from Uppsala University describe how they have been able to predict how special molecules that can be used ...

Insulin signaling suppressed by decoys

In a discovery that may further the understanding of diabetes and human longevity, scientists at Scripps Research have found a new biological mechanism of insulin signaling. Their study, involving the roundworm C. elegans, ...

Researchers solve protein structures to fight asthma

Biophysicists from the MIPT Center for Molecular Mechanisms of Aging and Age-Related Diseases have teamed up with colleagues from Canada, the U.S., Japan, France, and Germany to shed light on the structure and functioning ...

Quorum sensing molecules: How the body cells spy out bacteria

Bacterial infection does not automatically lead to illness; many germs only become dangerous when they occur in large numbers. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin have discovered that the ...

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