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Avian influenza: Past, present, future

Due to the possibility that bird flu viruses could mutate and gain the ability to spread easily between people, avian influenza poses a significant pandemic threat to birds and humans alike. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control ...

New study defines spread of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer

North American white-tailed deer—shown in 2021 surveys of five states to have SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of up to 40%—shed and transmit the virus for up to five days once infected, according to a new study.

How cells defend against influenza A virus

Human cells use a protein named TBC1D5 to route influenza A viruses inside host cells for destruction, preventing the virus from spreading replicated copies of itself to other cells, according to a study published in Nature ...

18 of 20 gorillas at Atlanta's zoo have contracted COVID

At least 18 of the 20 gorillas at Atlanta's zoo have now tested positive for COVID-19, an outbreak that began just days before the zoo had hoped to obtain a veterinary vaccine for the primates, officials said Tuesday.

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