Reducing computer viruses in health networks

The hospital IT networks and medical devices that doctors rely on to treat patients are susceptible to their own maladies—computer viruses and other malware.

New research method aims to unlock academia's biggest problem

Scientists at Keele University have found a solution to one of life's great mysteries: Why people often fail to see the answer to a problem when the solution is right in front of them. The researchers have created a new method, ...

Automatic test procedures for apps on smartphones and tablets

For many so-called apps, developers and companies have not adequately ensured that the mini-programs are actually working the way they should. Therefore, computer scientists at Saarland University developed software which ...

2010 tech bug hits German credit cards

Many Germans have been hit by a computer bug linked to the year 2010 that has rendered their credit cards useless, the ZKA banking commission said on Monday.

Zooming in on data

( -- Companies of all sizes are struggling with the growing flood of data and information. Staff can quickly lose sight of impending risks or hidden opportunities. Now a new zoom software is helping users get ...

Code breakthrough delivers safer computing

( -- Computer researchers at UNSW and NICTA have achieved a breakthrough in software which will deliver significant increases in security and reliability and has the potential to be a major commercialisation success.

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