Organic particles modulate soot mixing in the atmosphere

In the atmosphere, individual soot particles emitted from human activities often encounter and combine with organic material, forming soot-containing particles. A research team led by scientists from the U.S. Department of ...

Megacity traffic soot contributes to global warming

Soot from road traffic in emerging countries can reach high altitudes, where it can be transported over long distances and thus contributes to global warming. This is the conclusion of a study performed by an international ...

Putting the squeeze on soot

Running diesel engines and gas turbines at high pressure to boost power output and efficiency is harmful for the environment. Burning fuel at high pressure can significantly change the soot particles that are produced, William ...

The fight for clean emissions continues

It is exactly 20 years since experts from Empa and VERT published the first test results on diesel particle filters. Today, more than 300 million vehicles worldwide are fitted with such filters. However, a VERT conference ...

Chemical composition of aircraft exhaust aerosols investigated

Can aircraft pollutant emissions be reduced by using biofuels? And what influence does an alternative fuel have on the formation of contrails? In mid-January, a joint German Aerospace Center (DLR) and US space agency NASA ...

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