New standard HEVC encodes films more efficiently

Television resolution is constantly improving – and this must go hand-in-hand with transmitting the data more efficiently. Reputable manufacturers of televisions, computers and mobile telephones, working jointly with Fraunhofer ...

MPEG hammers out codec that halves bit rate

( -- A new international standard for a video compression format was announced today. The draft was issued by the influential Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) which met in Stockholm in July. MPEG, formed by the ...

Google Chrome scores at SXSW Interactive awards

A music and imagery website that shows off capabilities of Google's Chrome Web browser won top honors at a South By Southwest Interactive (SXSW) festival known for its technology trendsetters.

Putting 3-D films on your cell phone

German researchers at Fraunhofer have combined the new mobile radio standard LTE-Advanced with a video coding technique. This puts 3-D films on your cell phone. The experts will be presenting their solution from Feb. 14-17 ...

Reading Avatar's DNA

You know when you're watching a pirated film downloaded from the Internet -- there's no mistaking the fuzzy footage, or the guy in the front row getting up for popcorn. Despite the poor quality, pirated video is a serious ...

Choose a movie's plot -- while you watch it

Will Rona and Sol kiss and seal their fate as a couple forever, or will Sol answer the ringing phone and change the course of history? A new movie format developed by Tel Aviv University lets the viewer decide.

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