Q&A: Is hopelessness a US public health crisis?

How can the world's wealthiest country be so poor in hope? It's a question that a University of Maryland economist is asking about the United States, where unprecedented levels of despair have manifested in a national mental ...

Recipients can recognize—and correct—positive bias

The beneficiaries of "positive bias" due to racial profiling and other types of favoritism are more likely to recognize it and take corrective action if their attention is drawn to the victims of that bias, new Cornell research ...

Study charts America's monthly struggle with COVID-19 hardships

As many as one in five Americans experienced multiple hardships during the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the most common combination being job insecurity paired with mental health issues, according to a new study ...

Biden, in environment push, protects lands near Grand Canyon

Joe Biden used the backdrop of the Grand Canyon Tuesday to champion the climate fight—and distinguish himself from the Republican right—by designating large swathes of surrounding sacred land with protective status.

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