When the heat is on, we need city-wide plans to keep cool

The recent spate of heatwaves through eastern Australia has reminded us we're in an Australian summer. On top of another record hot year globally, and as heatwaves become more frequent and intense, our cities are making ...

Cool roofs in China offer enhanced benefits during heat waves

It is well established that white roofs can help mitigate the urban heat island effect, reflecting the sun's energy back into space and reducing a city's temperature under normal weather conditions. In a new study of Guangzhou, ...

White, green or black roofs? New report compares economic payoffs

Looking strictly at the economic costs and benefits of three different roof types—black, white and "green" (or vegetated)—Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) researchers have found in a new study that ...

White roofs to make for cooler Melbourne buildings

The research assesses the benefits of white roofs and aims to help residential, commercial and industrial building owners determine if white roofs are suitable for their buildings and guide them through the best materials ...

Cool roofs really can be cool

A recent Journal of Climate paper by Stanford’s Mark Jacobson and John Ten Hoeve (2011) on urban heat islands and cool roofs is a useful contribution to the literature. However, their results regarding white roofs are ...

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