Recycling waste wool a step closer

From the shearing shed to catwalk, world stockpiles of waste wool are suddenly in fashion with Flinders scientists who have found a way to give them high value.

Cool new uses for wool

Ever wondered how sheep survive on those cold, wet hills? Their wool has amazing insulation properties to keep them warm, and man has taken advantage of their fleece for millennia. But to keep things cool?

Yarn from slaughterhouse waste

ETH researchers have developed a yarn from ordinary gelatine that has good qualities similar to those of merino wool fibers. Now they are working on making the yarn even more water resistant.

Recreating clothes from the Iron Age

A few years ago, the oldest known piece of clothing ever discovered in Norway, a tunic dating from the Iron Age, was found on a glacier in Breheimen. Now about to be reconstructed using Iron Age textile techniques, it is ...

Valuable, eco-friendly Norwegian wool

Wool production in Norway has been documented to be more environmentally sound than in other countries. From Norwegian wool, a wide variety of pure, safe materials can be made for use in clothing, textiles, blankets, rugs ...

Sheep wool growth boosted by reducing cortisol

University of Adelaide researchers have shown that sheep wool growth can be significantly boosted by manipulating the stress hormone, cortisol, in their pregnant mothers.

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