Why is skin thick on the soles of the feet?

A team of Hokkaido University researchers has established a method for capturing live, three-dimensional, high-resolution images deep within the skin of living mice, casting light on the precise manner in which cells divide ...

Chloride 'switch' turns on membrane formation

Chloride plays a key role in the formation of the basement membrane, a suprastructure on the outside of cells that undergirds and guides the function of most of the tissues of the body.

Why do cells make invadopodia?

During development and immune system function in animals, specialized cells acquire the ability to invade other tissues. Such invasive behavior is important for neural crest cells that invade skin and provide pigmentation, ...

Rapid, high-definition chemistry with new imaging technique

With intensity a million times brighter than sunlight, a new synchrotron-based imaging technique offers high-resolution pictures of the molecular composition of tissues with unprecedented speed and quality. Carol Hirschmugl, ...

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